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Simplified IT management for Google Workspace

Save money on ex-employee data retention with a cost-effective alternative to Google Archive User licenses

Simplify regulatory compliance for financial services firms with CloudM. Automate IT onboarding and offboarding, implement flexible retention policies, and securely archive Google Workspace data, all while reducing costs.

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Financial services firms must archive employee data to stay compliant

$200m fine for non-compliance

SEC Rule 17a-4 mandates businesses to archive communications like emails and messages for a period of 3-6 years. Failure to archive data in a compliant manner saw JPMorgan Securities fined $200 million.

Keep email records secure and compliant for 5 years

The Financial Conduct Authority requires email records to be kept for five years, or seven if requested by the FCA.

Introducing CloudM Archive

Reduce what you pay for existing licenses

Move your Google AU license holders to CloudM Archive. The CloudM team can support you every step of the way.

Restore archived data

Choose between partial restoration of individual Mail or Drive data, or choose bulk restoration of the whole user including Chat, Drive and Mail data, simplifying compliance with regulatory requirements.

Strengthen data security with automation

Auotmated offboarding eliminates the risk associated with delayed or overlooked access revocations, ensuring that security protocols are consistently enforced.

Seamlessly archive Google Workspace with offboarding workflows

Use bespoke data retention policies and dynamic groups to ensure that the correct data is archived automatically as part of your offboarding workflow. Minimize the risk of human error with set-and-forget automation, keeping you 100% compliant and your storage costs to a minimum.

Assign bespoke data retention policies and archive goolg eworkspace data efficiently.

Retain ownership and control of your data

Reduce costs, take control of your data and avoid vendor lock-in while maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements by hosting archived data in your own GCP storage bucket.

Time-saving automation 

Let your IT team focus on more important tasks while reducing the risk of mistakes by automating data retention policies and license reassignment as part of your offboarding workflow.

Automate offboarding workflows and automatically archive leaver's data

“We have saved millions of dollars by using CloudM to move archive users to a secure storage archive”

Paul Young, Head of Collaboration & Communications Digital Solutions, Holcim

Why choose CloudM

As well as being trusted by over 45,000 businesses around the world, security is at the heart of all CloudM products.

Book a call with our Archive specialists today

Understand how you can save money and time in just a 15 minute discovery call with one of our experts today.

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Product updates

Product release: Protect your Google Calendar from data loss with CloudM Backup 1.8

January 8, 2025

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Product updates

Product release – CloudM Migrate 4.2: Centralized logging and hassle-free Dropbox migrations

January 8, 2025

Find out more

Handling fluctuating demand and reducing cybersecurity risks in the education sector

December 20, 2024

Find out more
  • Product release: Protect your Google Calendar from data loss with CloudM Backup 1.8

    January 8, 2025

  • Product release – CloudM Migrate 4.2: Centralized logging and hassle-free Dropbox migrations

    January 8, 2025

  • Streamlined IT onboarding and offboarding in the education sector

    Handling fluctuating demand and reducing cybersecurity risks in the education sector

    December 20, 2024