What Solution Is Best For Your Offboarded Data?

In 2021, CloudM created the holy grail of solutions for your offboarded user data. Archive, an industry-first feature, was designed to help businesses by managing compliance, retaining/restoring data as needed, and purging the data when it’s longer needed.

As the footprint for data becomes more and more embedded within our civilization, Archive and other tools like it will become indispensable, helping you to navigate those difficult and sticky data headaches, and keeping you compliant.

So, what’s the best solution for you?

Well, there are three core solutions that will help you stay compliant and efficient, all whilst working to your needs and requirements as a business.

What can we learn from this?

Every business needs something different, and for that, there must be a relatively flexible solution. This is why Archive can work as a solution on its own or as a hybrid solution.

Get in touch with our team of experts for your free demo today.

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