A long and successful relationship
SADA has been using the CloudM migration tool for many years and now relies on the product exclusively for all their migration needs. The partnership between SADA and CloudM is based on a high level of trust, confidence in the product and a great working relationship between the two teams.
When it comes to migrations to Google Cloud, CloudM provides bespoke training programs for SADA engineers, ensuring they have the materials and knowledge they need to help with projects and get on with the job.
“CloudM is a vital part of our migrations to Google Cloud. Everything runs so smoothly, making life easier for both us and our clients. It is a critical solution to provide our customers with a faster time to value their Google Workspace investment.”
Kelly Wright, Director of Google Workspace, SADA
A bespoke API for real-time reporting
One example of the way that CloudM and SADA work in true partnership was in a recent project taken on by Kevin Tuuri, Solutions Architect at SADA. Kevin wrote a code in App Script (Google’s native programming language) that connects directly to the CloudM Migration Server via the CloudM API (Application Programming Interface), along with an App that allows SADA clients to have a more hands-on approach with their migrations.
This bespoke App gives real-time reporting during a migration, allowing both engineers and customers to see how many files have moved and how long is left, as well as updates relating to specific projects or users, at any time.
The report is pre-built and appears in a user migration status dashboard, allowing both SADA engineers and their clients to see in real-time how the migration is progressing. The App is a simple tool for an engineer to plug in and run. In fact, SADA now gives customers access to this information as an added value component of their migration package.
Kevin is a big fan of open-source software, having used open-sourced code as a valuable learning tool, which is why he chose to make scripts using this API freely available on Github, a platform where developers can share and exchange ideas, problems and code.
“It’s a collaborative environment and we all work so well together. It’s about sharing within the Google community, sparking ideas, challenging each other, supporting one another and creating solutions together. The great thing is, we’re only getting started and there are lots more ideas in the pipeline.”
Kevin Tuuri – Solutions Architect, SADA
This level of transparency during a migration helps keep customers informed of what’s happening every step of the way, elevating the level of trust in the migration and in SADA, without taking up valuable time from engineers and project managers by asking them to provide real time data or additional reports.
Before using the API, SADA clients would be regularly requesting updates, meaning someone would have to check on a migration multiple times a day, taking up hours per project.Kevin wrote the bespoke code to make their lives easier, and keep clients happy and informed. Now everyone can see tangible results immediately and can check everything is still running, without having to sign into three different places.
What does the future hold for SADA and CloudM?
For SADA and CloudM, customer experience is the focus. As the partnership grows, together we develop a more cohesive approach as to how we can better serve the customer, migrate them faster and more smoothly, and address time to value from their investment.
The closeness, mutual respect, and understanding of both tech teams opens the door for some exciting developments in the industry. Together, we are determined to grow and expand the mutual offerings, not just with each other, but also with Google Cloud.
“SADA is very well respected as a Google Cloud partner. When I saw the work that their team had done, I realized how impactful it was for the customer. Removing risk, reducing time for engineers, providing reportability – all those things are key in a migration. What’s more, this is invaluable insight for us on what can be achieved with our API, as we are constantly looking to iterate, innovate, and ultimately improve our product offering for customers.”
James Corbishley, Senior Architect from CloudM
CloudM’s product has evolved over the past decade and SADA has helped us to structure those changes with productive feedback, allowing us to improve and grow.
Working collaboratively and helping each other in this way means everyone wins. We give SADA early access to software and API changes so they can build scripts that fits their needs. When everything works in harmony, migrations run smoothly, resulting in CloudM, SADA, and the customer all satisfied with the project.
SADA’s customers know that our tool is what sits behind their migration – it’s a point of pride for CloudM. Customer satisfaction is what we’re both ultimately striving to achieve at every engagement.