Publishers and media businesses
Automate freelancer offboarding and make significant savings
Automate freelancer offboarding and make significant savings
Using scripts or manually onboarding and offboarding freelancers within your organization is time-consuming and unreliable. CloudM Automate eliminates this by using automated processes and workflows.
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Why you should automate your onboarding and offboarding of freelancers
A well-known business publication is saving 72 working weeks per year, the equivalent workload of 1.5 full-time IT admins, after automating their onboarding and offboarding processes. They're also using CloudM Archive to further enhance their offboarding workflows, saving over £150k per year.
Enhance your savings – cut the cost of archive user licenses
Boost cost savings through efficient data archival and storage with powerful smart automations.
Seamlessly archive Google Workspace with offboarding workflows
Use bespoke data retention policies and dynamic groups to ensure that the correct data is archived automatically as part of your offboarding workflow. Minimize the risk of human error with set-and-forget automation, keeping you 100% compliant and your storage costs to a minimum.

Maintain complete control and security of your data
Reduce costs, take control of your data and avoid vendor lock-in while maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements by hosting archived data in your own GCP storage bucket.

Automated license revocation
Let your IT team focus on more important tasks while reducing the risk of mistakes by automating data retention policies and license reassignment as part of your offboarding workflow.

“We have saved millions of dollars by using CloudM to move archive users to a secure storage archive”
Why choose CloudM
As well as being trusted by over 45,000 businesses around the world, security is at the heart of all CloudM products.

Security at the core

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