CloudM Migrate 3.45: migrating files with version history and permissions intact.
Customers migrating files from Google Drive to Microsoft One Drive can now migrate the version history of their files, enabling them to restore previous versions of their files originating from their source environment while using their new platform. Read this article in our knowledge base to find out more.
For those looking to make the move from One Drive to Google Drive, it is now possible to transfer permissions granted via direct access or individual sharing links. CloudM Migrate will identify the users who have been granted access and ensure their permissions are replicated correctly in the destination platform.
CloudM Backup 1.6: search by file ID
Searching for files can be a lengthy exercise, especially when the search results in lots of files with similar names. Google Drive assigns every file an ID that remains stable even if the file name or location changes.
With Backup 1.6 it is now possible to search your backed up data by file ID, making it easier and faster to find and restore individual files.

Image: The Google file ID is a combination of characters and can be found in the URL when you are looking at your file in the web view of Google Drive or by copying the sharing link.
CloudM Archive 2.3: manual purge
For organizations who have to comply with GDPR or similar legislation, it is important to be able to delete a user’s data upon request (“right to be forgotten”). With the CloudM Archive 2.3 release, you can now manually purge the data of one or multiple users whenever required and regardless of the retention policy assigned to the user(s).

Image: Archive 2.3 introduces manual purge to enable you to delete a user’s data upon request.
Coming soon: CloudM Automate 2.13: customized notifications
We’ll be releasing improvements to Automate’s notifications later this month. Check back here or keep an eye on the release notes to find out more.
Read the full release notes including bug fixes and system improvements for this and previous releases.